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Workshop "How to Help Your Child Deal with Stress"

Workshop "How to Help Your Child Deal with Stress" - an interactive seminar for parents.

We will discuss: - Signs and peculiarities of stress in children, - Practical tools for parents, that could help their children, - Some specific situations of the participants.

The seminar will be conducted by certified psychologists Elena Oks and Polina Lesina.

Organisators: Bonum Verein and Association "From Migration to Integration" (Verein "Von der Migration zur Integration").

Free for Ukrainians with status S Date - 21.04.2023 Time - 18:30-20:30 Location - Bullingerstrasse 9, 8004 Zürich (Quartierräume Bullingerplatz) Language - Russian

In the form via the link below, you can leave your questions, and describe specific situations that concern you or topics that interest you. We will try to take them into account and address them during our meeting.

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